Een ijsbeer en haar jong spelen in het gras bij Eindhoven Zoo.

Species conservation

Protect and preserve endangered species

You might be wondering where the animals living in ZooParc Overloon come from and what the role of a zoo actually is. We answer all your questions on this subject on this page.

Many of the animals you see in ZooParc were born here. The other animals have been moved to our park from other zoos. No animals are taken from the wild and brought to our park. One of the most important roles of zoos is to preserve and protect (endangered) animal species. Recognised European zoos work together within the EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) to fulfil this role. Many of the animals you see in ZooParc have 'vulnerable' to 'extinct in the wild' status. With management programmes, we ensure that healthy populations of these species remain that can serve as reserve populations, but which can also be researched in order to use the results to protect their wild counterparts. In this regard, it is good to know that recognised zoos do not buy or sell animals, as the animals are not the property of a park and exchange between animals takes place purely in the interest of the species.

Twee Indische neushoorns bij Eindhoven Zoo.

Management programmes (EEPs)

Did you know that more than 4,000 animal species are threatened with extinction? ZooParc works together with around 350 zoos in Europe to protect and preserve these species. Together, we form the EAZA: the European Zoo Association. Within the EAZA, we work with international management programmes, also known as EEP, for more than 400 animal species. EEP stands for EAZA Ex situ Programme where Ex Situ means “outside the natural habitat”. In this video, coordinator Steven tells you more about the importance of zoos and further on this page you can read more about which EEPs ZooParc itself coordinates.

EEP programmes at ZooParc

ZooParc is home to around 85 animal species, more than 50 of which are coordinated within an EEP. Each management programme has a coordinator. The coordinator keeps records of a particular species and manages the zoo population. In ZooParc, the EEPs of the white-faced lemur and von der Decken Tok are managed. Together with a committee, the coordinator gives advice on which animals are allowed to have offspring together, whether animals should move to other zoos for this purpose, and if so, to which ones.

In the summer of 2023, our head zookeeper Steven visited Paramaribo Zoo in Paramaribo. He visited this park to learn even more about the animals in South America: their care, natural habitats and challenges. He was also able to support and advise the zoo in caring for the animals.

Find out more about Steven's visit
Een poolvos bij Eindhoven Zoo.

How is the collection curated?

ZooParc is home to many different animal species, but how were they chosen? Both a collection plan and a master plan have been drawn up for ZooParc. These documents detail which animal species we want to house in the future and the reason for choosing them. For example, species are chosen on the basis of EEP, which is how we contribute to the preservation of endangered species. This is always done in consultation with the coordinator of the species concerned. We may also choose to house a species for an educational reason, to inform visitors about a species and the opportunities and threats to it in the wild. Other possible reasons for having species in the park are: research and fundraising (raising money for the wild animals).

Examples of species conservation

Een jonge Euraziatische lynx klimt in een boom bij Eindhoven Zoo.

Fossas born

Two fossas were born in June 2024. ‘The birth of these animals is extra special because fossas are not often born in zoos,’ Van den Heuvel knows.

Gibbon aan het slingeren in Eindhoven Zoo

Giant anteater

In late 2023, a giant anteater was born. Parks are ensuring a healthy reserve population to avoid extinction. Mother Tousle has already given birth to three healthy sons.

Reticulated giraffe born

A Reticulated giraffe was born at ZooParc in late 2023. It is the first giraffe ever to be born in our park.

Een West-Afrikaanse chimpansee is aan het eten terwijl een jong toekijkt bij Eindhoven Zoo.

Pygmy hippopotamus

Tracking dog Boyd has tracked down pygmy hippopotamus in Ivory Coast. By collecting data, a plan can be drawn up to save the species from extinction.

Read more about births, reintroduction to the wild or the protection of endangered species?
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Who do we work with?

ZooParc is a member of EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria). A zoo may join if it meets criteria such as research, park education, EEPs and animal living conditions. Around 350 European parks are members of EAZA. The exchange of animals for an EEP takes place preferably with one of these parks.

We are also a member of the NVD (Dutch Association of Zoos). All members work closely together on conservation and protection of nature, research to support this and a nice day out with good education for visitors.

Membership of the NVD and/or EAZA can be seen as a seal of quality for zoos.

Do you have a question about the conservation of nature or the role of ZooParc Overloon?
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