Education within Eindhoven Zoo
Volunteers from Stichting Wildlife and the animal keepers are actively engaged in conveying information directly to the visitor. A visit to Eindhoven Zoo is therefore much more than just a nice day out. The term 'education' refers to educational activities in the broadest sense of the word. It includes everything to do with experiencing and learning and is aimed at visitors of all ages.
Eindhoven Zoo wants to create a positive attitude towards nature and nature conservation in the broadest sense of the word by means of various forms of education, in order to encourage visitors to actively contribute to this themselves. The importance of biodiversity will not be lacking. This is done by means of the daily Toer-de-Voer, educational (feed) presentations and educational signs.
Stichting Wildlife volunteers.
Both Stichting Wildlife volunteers and animal caretakers provide various educational activities in Eindhoven Zoo. Stichting Wildlife's volunteers have received intensive training to be able to carry out the activities. Not only did they learn everything about the species housed in Eindhoven Zoo, but they also had to learn all the background information about the ups and downs of zoos (management, animal care, umbrella organizations such as the EAZA, conservation projects, etc.). During training and during their activities, inspiring a love of nature and conservation is an important part.
Educational activities in Eindhoven Zoo
The following activities are provided in Eindhoven Zoo:
Park Bingo
The experience table of Friends Kingdom
Education outside the park
Eindhoven Zoo's website contains educational information about almost all of the park's animal species.
Furthermore, there is the possibility to download information for a talk (or paper) about Eindhoven Zoo. This information is aimed at elementary school pupils. The information discusses the purpose of zoos, cooperation and breeding programs and the specific characteristics of Eindhoven Zoo.
Facebook and Instagram
Eindhoven Zoo has its own Facebook page and Instagram page on which facts about animals and nature are regularly posted. Through a good variety of commercial, funny and educational expressions, Eindhoven Zoo also tries to inspire its followers to love nature and nature conservation through these media.