Native nature

Conservation and protection of native nature

In our park you will find a lot of native plant and animal species that are not part of the collection, but do have a place in ZooParc Overloon. Native species are adapted to our climate, environment and other animals and plants. They originally occur in the Netherlands so they have become adapted to each other over time. For example, the cycle of insects is precisely aligned with the time when plants bloom. Unfortunately, many of these native species are often just as endangered as some of the animal species that live in ZooParc. That's why we do everything we can to protect and preserve native species as much as possible. We do this in many ways: from planting native tree species, to leaving fallen leaves on the ground and keeping the black bee in our park.

Twee deelnemers van Keeper for a Day voeren de netgiraffen bij ZooParc Overloon.

Planting of willow trees

Throughout ZooParc there are willow trees. This native species is not only beautiful to see, but also has an important function. The tree produces a lot of pollen early in the spring, making it a good food source for insects. In addition, different species of willow have different flowering times, which allows them to alternate and offer a range of food throughout the year. In turn, The insects that descend on these ensure the preservation of other flowers and plants with pollination. An added benefit is that the branches of the willow are also very popular with the browsers living in ZooParc! Browsers are herbivores that like to eat branches such as giraffes, tapirs, kangaroos, capibaras, zebus and several monkey species.

Een gezin staat voor de ingang van ZooParc Overloon.

Natural parking lot

Nature is not only found in ZooParc, it is everywhere and starts in the parking lot. We have adapted this terrain so that nature has plenty of room. The specially planted lime trees, a native of Brabant, will provide a lot of shade in a few years. The trees are in bloom early in spring and provide a lot of nectar. As a result, they attract many birds, bees and other insects. In addition, we do not mow the corners of the parking lot so that the evening primrose, wormwort and perennial plants have every chance to grow and spread.

Een zuidelijke cheeta loopt door het verblijf bij ZooParc Overloon.

Letting weeds flourish

They are often perceived negatively but at ZooParc we are happy with them! This is because weeds attract insects, which in turn attract birds. We therefore leave flowering herbs in places where they have added value, such as the enclosure of the Southern African cheetah. These are plants that come up by themselves, such as pigweed and yarrow: we don't sow them ourselves. That way we know they are plants that really fit this environment.

Een eekhoorn komt af op de bladeren bij ZooParc Overloon.

Leaving leaves on the ground

When the leaves fall in autumn, we do not clean them up, but leave them. For example, we have planted the native shrubs cardinal's hat and hazel so that these leaves can fall. Where there are no leaves, we put down wood chips. This layer is digested by microorganisms creating a layer of humus, which in turn is good nutrition for the plants. The leaf layer is also good for insects and small mammals such as mice and hedgehogs. In addition, since we have stopped clearing the leaves, we see a lot more blackbirds and robins, who come for the insects. We also see a lot of squirrels, hiding food like acorns and hazelnuts under the leaf layer. Another benefit is that we don't have to spray as much in summer. Because sunlight no longer reaches the soil directly because of the leaves, less water evaporates.

Protected native animal species

ZooParc is home to a large number of native animal species. A number of these species have vulnerable or even endangered status. ZooParc contributes to the preservation and protection of these species, some examples include:

Een groene specht bij ZooParc Overloon.


Both the green and spotted woodpecker live in ZooParc, they descend on dead trees that we leave in place. For example, look closely at the trees in the giraffe enclosure, you might see them!

Een afbeelding van een vliegende kerkuil bij ZooParc Overloon.

Barn Owl

The barn owl is not endangered and is a widespread species that likes to live in open spaces. At night, it hunts small rodents and birds. Tree cavities, barns and outbuildings are used for resting or nesting.


This is a very shy species that does not show itself easily. The kingfisher seen in the Netherlands is the only kingfisher species seen as far north as Europe. Most kingfisher species live in tropical areas.

Een zwarte bij zit op een bloem bij ZooParc Overloon.

Black bee

The black bee is the only native honey bee in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, the species is threatened with extinction, particularly due to the importation of other (non-native) bee species by, for example, beekeepers.

Do you have a question about the conservation of nature or the role of ZooParc Overloon?
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