Pinguins in Eindhoven Zoo


Eindhoven Zoo gives you your own view of the Animal Kingdom. During your visit you experience how beautiful nature is. We must cherish and protect this beautiful nature, as an organization we try to make Eindhoven Zoo as sustainable as possible.

Duurzaam Gastvrij

Duurzaam Gastvrij is a Dutch sustainability hallmark for the leisure sector. The hallmark is endorsed by Green Key, the largest, international sustainability hallmark for the hospitality sector. Duurzaam Gastvrij promotes sustainability and reduces the impact on the environment. Eindhoven Zoo meets strict standards within 12 sustainability themes.

At a recent audit in 2025, Eindhoven Zoo achieved the highest attainable certificate, namely gold. View our CSR statement here. As an organization we are enormously proud of this result. It shows that business operations can go hand in hand with concern for the world around us; good for animals, the environment and people.


Sustainable eating and drinking
Eindhoven Zoo's restaurants serve Puro Fairtrade coffee and Lipton Rainforest Alliance tea. So you can enjoy delicious hot drinks responsibly and sustainably. Other sustainable products are also available. For example, we serve organic tomato soup, croquettes and frikandells. And many more of our products carry a Fairtrade or Beter Leven label!

Sustainable cups and plates
All drinks and food are served in sustainable cups and on sustainable plates. For example, the paper cups are made from sustainable FSC wood and the plates from palm leaves.

Sustainable cleaning
Only environmentally friendly cleaning agents with the EU Ecolabel label are used at Eindhoven Zoo.

Separating waste

Waste wood, iron, rubble and paper are separated at Eindhoven Zoo. PET bottles are also collected separately. We donate the proceeds to Stichting Wildlife. Will you do your bit, too?

Sustainable food for the animals

Hay and pellets
The animals in Eindhoven Zoo are fed only sustainable hay and pellets. No pesticides are used in the production of the hay, and fertilization is kept to a minimum. In addition, the hay and pellets are transported to Eindhoven Zoo by trucks with minimal CO2 emissions.

Sustainable fish
The fish for the penguins, for example, carries the MSC label, which stands for sustainably caught fish from Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

Sustainable use of water and energy


Conserving water. For example, we have installed water-saving sensor taps in several places. In addition, the toilets are equipped with dual flush buttons.

In the renovated parts of the park we work with natural wadis. In these, excess, clean rainwater is collected. Dar can infiltrate into the soil and thus replenish the groundwater.


Eindhoven Zoo's vehicle fleet drives almost entirely electrically, both inside and outside the park.

The energy purchased is green power, generated by wind or sun in Europe.

In the park we pay attention to our energy consumption as much as possible. For example, we mainly use sustainable LED lighting and these are controlled by sensors or timers.