Kinderen kijken naar neushoorn in Eindhoven Zoo



Would you like to get in touch with Eindhoven Zoo? You can do so using the contact form below.

General questions

Do you have a general question? Then first check whether this is listed in the frequently asked questions or contact Eindhoven Zoo.
Telephone number: 0492-668 240
E-mail address:
Eindhoven Zoo Exploitatie B.V.
Chamber of Commerce number: 17148216
VAT number: 811099039B01

For reservations for groups, schools and children's parties

Reservations are handled by the central department of Libéma.
Telephone number: 088-9000360
E-mail address:

For press

For royalty-free photos, editorial information or other PR matters, please contact our PR Manager by phone at 06-53433868 or by email at

For sponsorship, promotion or joint promotion

Acquisition is handled by Libéma's central department.
Telephone number reception: 073 528 22 00
Email address for promotion:
E-mail address joint promotion:

Have you lost something in Eindhoven Zoo?

Send an e-mail message (possibly with photo) to and describe the item you lost.

Contact form

Contact Eindhoven Zoo using the contact form below.