
Did you know that a subscription is already more economical at 3 visits per year? There is so much to do at Eindhoven Zoo, that a day is aqueally to shoort. With a subscription you can come as often as you like.

It is also possible to combine the subscription with ZooParc Overloon, where you can go on an expedition like a true explorer.

Subscription Eindhoven Zoo€ 57,50 a year
Combi-subscription Eindhoven Zoo and ZooParc Overloon€ 72,50 a year

The above prices are based on direct debit payment, so include 15% discount on the regular annual ticket price.

You can easily park your car in the large parking lot. Going home again? With a parking ticket, the barrier will open for you.

Parking ticket€ 7,50
Parking ticket with subscription€ 5,00

Are you interested in a subscription, but want to visit the park first? You can. Buy a day ticket and come and enjoy a day. If you purchase a season ticket at the end of your visit, the value of your day ticket will be refunded. So you can visit the park inexpensively on a trial basis!

View more information on subscriptions.

Come to Eindhoven Zoo with your family, your footbal club, your care facility or your school class. Together you will enjoy it even more!

We have special prices and interesting packages for groups of 10 people or more and for schools.

Group Arrangements

School Arrangements

It's your birthday? Hooray! The Eindhoven Zoo Gift Voucher is a surprising gift that will also teach you a thing or two! You can spend the gift voucher at Eindhoven Zoo, for example for entrance tickets, a season ticket, souvenirs and at the cafeteria. The voucher is available for any amount in the Eindhoven Zoo souvenir shop. You can also order the voucher here for an amount of your choice.

You can buy an animal booklet with all the information about the animals at Eindhoven Zoo for €3 at the entrance. Also nice to keep!