Feed presentations

Check out the daily programme below and click through for a sneak preview. That way you'll know which feed presentation you definitely can't miss during your visit!


All that roaring, whistling and swinging makes you hungry. That's why we treat our animals to their favourite meal every day. Want to watch? The keepers will tell you lots of fun things you didn't know. See below for when and where you need to be find out more about the animals.

    Ijsbeer seizoensneutraal Eindhoven Zoo

    11:00 a.m.: Come and watch if you dare!

    Every day one of the predators is fed. Will you dare to come and watch?

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    12:00 p.m.: Hey, will you join?

    A tour with different animals, where a guide from Stichting Wildlife surprises the animals with enrichment.

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    Indische neushoorn Eindhoven Zoo

    1:00 p.m.: Rhinoceros feeding

    Rhinos are special residents of Eindhoven Zoo! The keepers will tell you all kinds of fun facts about them and show you what they eat.

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    Close-up van een olifant in Eindhoven Zoo

    2:00 p.m.: Educational elephant presentation

    Take a seat at the coffee truck and learn all about elephant care.

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    3:00 p.m.: Educational penguin presentation

    What would Humboldt penguins eat? Find out all about it during these informative presentations.

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    4:00 p.m.: Chimpanzees feeding time

    What's on the menu today? Come to the viewing point at the playground side.

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