"Vanaf het moment dat ik 1 jaar oud ben, begin ik te oefenen met brullen. Kilometers ver is het te horen."
Ontdek in het echtLeefgebied
Aantal jongen
Number of youngsters
Wear time
IUCN Status
Do you see my mane? I am a male lion. A female lion is called a lioness.
When I was about 2 and a half years old, I left the family group into which I was born. Together with my 2 brothers, I roam the plains. Maybe later we can chase away the leader at a group of lionesses and start our own family. For a few years then. That's how it is with us. In a lion family, 1 to 4 males are in charge until they are chased away by even stronger males.
A lion roars louder and the sound is lower than that of a lioness. From the time I was 1 year old, I began to practice roaring. Miles away it can be heard. It means: here I am!
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