Rode panda's op een tak in Eindhoven Zoo

Heel Eindhoven Zoo Bakt was a great success!

Eindhoven Zoo celebrated its 12.5 year anniversary on Sunday, October 30, and of course it was celebrated with cake! View the end result of the sand castle cake and the winners of Heel Eindhoven Zoo Bakt here.

During Heel Eindhoven Zoo Bakt the youngest visitors got to work with Tar-tart for the lions and hide lots of goodies in a big sand cake for the meerkats. But there were also dozens of enthusiastic creative people who had already started working on cakes and coloring pages at home. And the winners are..

Winners Heel Eindhoven Zoo Bakt

Dylan Veenendaal is the winner of the animal cake! He made this delicious filled pumpkin pie on a bed of autumn leaves, according to the favorite recipe of the chimpanzees. How nice!

Lucas vd Heuvel treated the Eindhoven Zoo staff to a delicious chocolate banana cake. This was so delicious that it was finished before we could take a picture of it. Thanks Lucas!

Both Dylan and Lucas won a special gift, namely a Family Party Elephant!

Winner coloring page contest

A lot of coloring pages were submitted and all of them were so beautiful! Pico chose his favorite coloring page and even hung it above his bed... Have fun Sjors van Gool with your Pico-package!

Unveiling the sand castle cake

After the winners were announced, it was time to unveil the sandcastle cake for the meerkats. Thank you SoMMedia and Sculpture Atelier Vandré for this cool production!


During the anniversary, not only the meerkats were able to feast on a delicious cake, but other animals were also well spoiled. Check out the recipes of all the cakes below.