Sad news: gibbon Kanette and her cub passed away

Gibbon Kanette and her cub have died. The gibbon mother was found in poor health in the enclosure. Unfortunately, help came too late and Kanette died the same afternoon. What followed was one of the most difficult decisions.

The animal caretakers and veterinarian were completely surprised yesterday morning by the poor condition in which the mother gibbon was found. The doctor acted immediately and examined the 30-year-old monkey by ultrasound and blood tests. Unfortunately, any help came too late and the gibbon had already died in the afternoon. The cause of death is still being investigated.

Then followed one of the most difficult decisions we ever had to make together. How would things go next for the young animal that was incredibly dependent on its mother?

Father gibbons are known not to take over care. The death of the mother would result in the cub becoming isolated and not receiving the warmth, social stimulation and education it needs to live a good life. In view of the welfare of this young animal and with great sadness, the decision was made to put the animal to sleep.