Eindhoven Zoo says goodbye to general manager Chantal Ermers

After more than fourteen years, Chantal Ermers will lock Eindhoven Zoo's doors for the last time on Wednesday, January 13. The general manager is leaving the zoo in Mierlo for a new challenge.

Ermers started at the zoo in 2006 as events coordinator, a position she held for 12 years. In 2018, she made the transition to general manager. In recent years, she saw the zoo change from a small park with only species from Europe to a full-fledged zoo.

"When I started we already had polar bears, but besides that it was mostly smaller species. In recent years, I saw the zoo grow with animals like elephants, tigers and lions. That has really been a transformation."

Never boringBecause of that growth, it was never boring, Ermers says. "I never felt like I was working at the same zoo, every year was different. The arrival of the rhinos and penguins were real highlights for me, but also the good working atmosphere and fantastic colleagues made the past years a big celebration."

Last year, the zoo had to close its doors three times because of corona. "That does hurt. Financially, of course, it is really hard, because the costs just keep running, but also it feels very unnatural, such a zoo without visitors. It is precisely the reactions and the joy of the people who enjoy your park that make your work so rewarding. Having to miss that now, that's really crazy."

Round upEven now, the park is still closed. "The night of the press conference in December, I realized that I had most likely had my last day with visitors. Without knowing it. That was really gulping," she admits. "And not knowing how long it was going to last made it difficult. But the work did go on as usual, and it was nice that I was able to wrap everything up properly in these weeks and still see all my colleagues."

Ermers will start work in February as general manager of Schoorsveld Nature Cemetery in Heeze. In doing so, she is returning to her earlier career. "I was co-owner of a funeral home for 12 years before Eindhoven Zoo. It is an industry that is still very dear to me. But I am leaving with pain in my heart: after all, Eindhoven Zoo is really a fantastic place to work and I had a top time there."

Farewell GiftA farewell party is out of the question at this time, but pregnant elephant Htoo Yin Aye could provide the perfect parting gift. "She is heavily pregnant and the calf could be born any day. How nice would it be if that happened on my last day?"