Eindhoven Zoo is building for the future: new tiger enclosure and water playground

Eindhoven Zoo has started a series of renovations in and around the tiger enclosure. The felines' enclosure will be remodeled and doubled in size. There will also be an inclusive water playground and the tigers' education will be renewed. The work is expected to be completed in May.

General manager Sander van der Heul said, "The old cheetah enclosure will be added to the current tiger enclosure. This will result in a larger enclosure for the tigers. The design also takes into account the natural habitat of the Amur tigers. Water plays an important role in this. Not many people know it, but the Amur tiger loves to be found in water." It is another new, big step for Eindhoven Zoo since modernizing the rhino enclosure in 2019.

Inclusive water playground
Not only the tigers get to play in and around the water on hot days. A new water playground will also provide lots of fun and coolness for all children. Van der Heul: "It will be an exciting water playground! It will soon look like the children are playing in the same water as the tigers." The water playground will feature water pumps, gutters to move the water and multiple play pools. "Parts of the water playground and play equipment will be accessible to children with disabilities, so that a day at Eindhoven Zoo will be unforgettable for all children," van der Heul said.

In addition, children will playfully learn more about tigers here, under the guidance of their (grand)parents. Van der Heul: "Besides the basic information, visitors will soon learn here about the different types of tigers and how they hunt, for example. Of course we will tell about the threats to the tiger and about the role of Eindhoven Zoo, in cooperation with Stichting Wildlife, in protecting this endangered species."

Beekse Bergen's pair of Amur tigers will move to Eindhoven Zoo after the renovation is completed, on the recommendation of the European management program. Tiger Laila, who recently lived in Eindhoven Zoo, was supposed to move to Beekse Bergen before the start of the renovation. Unfortunately, the tiger passed away shortly before the move.

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