Eindhoven Zoo welcomes rare Indian rhinos
Eindhoven Zoo receives three rare Indian rhinos. A completely new enclosure has been built for their arrival. The enclosure will be open to the public starting Saturday, July 6, 2019.
Indian rhinos
The rhinos are two aged ladies and one young male. The two females, Narayani and Jhansi, are from Tiergarten Berlin, the male, Gainda, from ZooParc de Beauval. The two females are temporarily in Eindhoven Zoo, in October 2021 they will return to Berlin. By then, another female will come to Eindhoven Zoo so that a pair can be formed.
Meer over de Indische neushoorn
Brand new residence
Stephan Rijnen head keeper Eindhoven Zoo: "The new enclosure is already fully equipped to house a complete family, making this the only enclosure in the Netherlands where young can be born." Furthermore, several enclosures have been built, since Indian rhinos are solitary animals. Indian rhinos are very fond of water, unlike African rhinos. The indoor and outdoor enclosures are also designed with that in mind with the construction of special water features for the rhinos.
Four new animal species
The rhinos are joined in the enclosure by three other species. These are Swine deer, Nile gau and Visaya warthogs. All four species are new to Eindhoven Zoo and will share the outdoor enclosure with the rhinos.
The Indian rhino and Stichting Wildlife
The Indian rhino is critically endangered in the wild. In fact, at the beginning of the 20th century, this species of rhino was nearly extinct. Less than 200 Indian rhinos still lived in the wild at that time. This was mainly because they were hunted a lot
became, because of its horn. With proper protection, this species is doing better and better. There are now nearly 3,000 of them in the wild again. Stichting Wildlife is committed to projects like that of the Indian rhinos. The foundation supports various conservation projects worldwide and promotes nature and environmental education and other activities the preservation and welfare of endangered species around the world. It also provides financial support to various conservation projects.