Indian walking branch

"There are more than 2,500 different species of walking branches," he said.

Discover in real life
Indian walking branchCarausius morosus
  • Habitat

    coastal areas in India

  • Food


  • Lifetime

    3 years

  • Weight


  • Number of eggs


  • Breeding time

    2 - 9 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?


  • 2

    millimeter, that's how small an egg of the walking branch is.

  • 8

    centimeters, which is about the size of an adult Indian walking branch.

  • 5

    months old, then Indian walking branches are mature.

  • No man needed

    Females of the Indian walking branch do not need a male to lay eggs. The young that hatch from the eggs are all females. It is actually not known if males live in the wild.

    Playing hide and seek

    A walking branch cannot defend itself very well. When danger threatens, they take advantage of their appearance. They pretend to be a branch! They then hold themselves completely rigid with their legs along their body. Sometimes they still move back and forth a little, as if moved by the wind.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.