
"De Strohalsibis heeft zijn naam te danken aan de stroachtige veren in zijn nek."

Ontdek in het echt
StrohalsibisThreskiornis spinicollis
  • Leefgebied


  • Voedsel


  • Levensduur


  • Gewicht


  • Aantal eieren

    Number of eggs

  • Broedtijd

    Breeding time

  • IUCN-status

    IUCN Status

  • EEP?


Eating insects

Caterpillars, grasshoppers, crickets, beetles ... the strohalsibis can't get enough of them! It spends about 75% of its time looking for food. Australian farmers are very happy with these birds, because they eat all the pesky grasshoppers and other insects that eat the farmers' land.

A cottage of your own

The nests of these birds are often found on the ground or just above the water. The nest is reused every year. The male looks for twigs and reeds and the female uses these to build the nest. Together they incubate the eggs and care for the chicks.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.