"Heb je mij weleens met mijn armen wijd zien zitten? Ik ben dan aan het zonnebaden!"
Ontdek in het echtVoedsel
Aantal jongen
Number of youngsters
Wear time
IUCN Status
In nature, I live on the island of Madagascar. I like to sit in the trees, but can also be found a lot on the ground. Have you ever seen me with my arms wide open? I am sunbathing! I do this mainly to warm up my wrists.
In my wrists are glands that give off an odor. Because of the warmth of the sun, other lemurs smell this scent extra well. With this scent, we can give each other information. For example, it tells if it is already the right time of year for the birth of young ring-tailed lemurs. And does this scent smell nice? Well no, not for you! When males quarrel, they smear their tails with it and swish them toward each other. A stink fight it becomes.
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