
"Zowel het mannetjes als het vrouwtje heeft een gewei."

Ontdek in het echt
RendierRangifer tarandus 
  • Leefgebied


  • Voedsel


  • Levensduur


  • Gewicht


  • Aantal jongen

    Number of youngsters

  • Draagtijd

    Wear time

  • IUCN-status

    IUCN Status

  • EEP?


Own winter sports equipment

The reindeer has a very thick coat. This provides perfect protection from the harsh cold. The animal's hooves are very large so it does not sink into the snow. They are like snowshoes.

Long distance runners

Reindeer can walk very far and long. They then search for food and areas where small reindeer can be born in the spring. For example, some reindeer walk more than 5,000 kilometers a year and can run as fast as 80 kilometers per hour.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.