Red ibis

"Which bird did you first discover in Bird Kingdom? Good chance it was me, with my striking red plumage!"

Discover in real life
Red ibisEudocimus ruber
  • Food

    small aquatic animals

  • Lifetime

    33 years on average

  • Weight

    770 to 900 grams

  • Number of eggs

    1 to 2 eggs

  • Incubation time

    approximately 20 days

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?


  • 2000

    so many litters have ever been counted together

  • 33

    years, that's how old I get on average

  • 20

    days I am brooding

  • The older, the more beautiful

    Which bird did you first discover in Bird Kingdom? Good chance it was me, with my striking red plumage! As a young ibis I looked a lot duller. Back then I was gray-brown with a white belly. During my second and third years of life, the red color slowly emerges. It's not a good camouflage color.

    Group Animals

    To protect myself from predators, I stay in a large group with many other red ibises and other species of waterfowl. Should there be danger, we warn each other. We also nest in large groups. As many as 2,000 nests have been counted together.

    Prey animals

    I myself eat small aquatic animals. Finding food in a large group has another advantage: when we all step through the water, the prey animals move. This makes it easier for us to find them.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.