Red deer

"The red deer is the largest animal living in the wild in the Netherlands."

Discover in real life
Red deerCervus elaphus
  • Habitat


  • Food

    leaves, bark, seeds and grass

  • Lifetime

    15 years

  • Weight

    60 to 200 pounds

  • Number of youngsters

    1 juvenile

  • Wear time

    8.5 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?



animals can live there in a herd of red deer


meters wide the antlers can be


days a youngster may drink with its mother


The red deer has well-developed senses. The animals interact with each other through sound, smells and their sight. Because their eyes are far apart so they do not have to move their heads, they can see even the smallest movements from a great distance. They can also smell up to a distance of up to 300 meters. That's almost 3 soccer fields long!

Handsome guys

The males have beautiful antlers on their heads. The females of red deer think so too. They prefer to mate with the male with the largest antlers. The males sometimes fight among themselves over the females, using their antlers. But usually they just bluff and act a little tough. Each year the antlers fall off and then grow back.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.