
"In de winter is mijn vacht een lekkere dikke winterjas die niet opvalt in de sneeuw. ’s Zomers valt in de lente mijn winterhaar vanzelf uit."

Ontdek in het echt
PoolvosVulpes lagopus
  • Voedsel


  • Levensduur


  • Gewicht


  • Aantal jongen

    Number of youngsters

  • Draagtijd

    Wear time

  • IUCN-status

    IUCN Status

  • EEP?


Winter coat

Do I look fat and white? Then it's winter. Am I thin and black? Then it's summer. Quite a difference! This is because of my coat, in winter my coat is a nice thick winter coat that doesn't stand out in the snow. In summer I don't need this coat, that's why in spring my winter hair falls out by itself.

Large family

My female and I stay together all our lives and have puppies every year. After 10 months, the pups are already grown up and move out into the Arctic on their own. One of the young females stays with us for an extra year and helps raise the new pups. The more prey can be found, the more pups are born. Mostly we eat lemmings, a kind of small rodent.

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