Parma wallaby

"Ik leef in bossen met dicht struikgewas en veel riet. Met deze kleuren val ik daar niet op voor roofdieren."

Ontdek in het echt
ParmawallabyMacropus parma
  • Voedsel


  • Levensduur


  • Gewicht


  • Aantal jongen

    Number of youngsters

  • Draagtijd

    Wear time

  • IUCN-status

    IUCN Status

  • EEP?



You can recognize me by my white throat and chest and the white stripe on my cheeks. A dark stripe runs across my back. I live in forests with dense thickets and lots of reeds. With these colors, I do not stand out to predators there. I do not often encounter other parma wallabies either, not even my own family, as I prefer to be alone.


A baby wallaby is called a joey. It is born after only 5 weeks and is then only one centimeter tall. During birth, mother sits up quietly and the joey crawls by itself across mother's belly toward the pouch. In there, the joey looks for a nipple to drink milk. After a little over six months, the joey is big enough to leave the pouch. At that point, another joey is often born immediately.

Mother takes care of the biggest joey for another 10 months and makes 2 kinds of milk. Milk for the youngest joey in the pouch and milk for the older joey. The latter occasionally sticks his head in alone to drink milk.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.