
"De naam nijlgau betekent 'blauwe stier"'

Ontdek in het echt
NijlgauBoselaphus tragocamelus
  • Voedsel


  • Levensduur


  • Gewicht


  • Aantal jongen

    Number of youngsters

  • Draagtijd

    Wear time

  • IUCN-status

    IUCN Status

  • EEP?


Fighting for the females

In my species, for most of the year the males and females live in separate groups. Between December and March, the males then try to conquer a group of females. They do this by fighting with each other!

Plant Eater

I eat mostly grass, but also bushes, flowers, seeds, leaves and buds. I live mostly on open grasslands, with low trees and bushes.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.