Je kunt mij vaak helemaal rechtop op zien staan op mijn 2 achterpootjes, bovenop een rotsblok.
Ontdek in het echtVoedsel
Aantal jongen
Number of youngsters
Wear time
IUCN Status
You can often see me standing completely upright on my 2 hind legs on top of a boulder. This is how I try to see as far as I can and look for predators. Do I see danger? Then I make a sound and warn the rest of the group. We take turns being on the lookout for a while. When I want to switch I call another.
The group consists of a number of parents with their young. Parents sometimes have young 3 times a year. We are active only when the sun shines. On a dark day, when the sun does not warm the ground, we stay in our burrow. But even when it is just too hot in the afternoon, we go into our burrow to cool off.
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