West African chimpanzee

"Every night I build myself a sleeping nest in a tree."

Discover in real life
ChimpanzeePan troglodytes verus
  • Food

    fruits, blossoms, seeds, leaves and insects

  • Lifetime

    40 to 60 years

  • Weight

    26 to 70 pounds

  • Number of youngsters

    1 young every 3 to 8 years

  • Wear time

    8 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?



kilo, I can get that heavy!


how many months am I approximately pregnant


years, that's how old I get on average

Homemade tools

I often use homemade tools: a stick becomes a fishing rod with which I can easily catch termites and a leaf becomes a napkin to wipe my mouth with. From this you can see that I can think and plan well.


Chimpanzees in other groups use tools differently again. We learn from each other. A group can consist of as many as 60 chimps and have their own piece of land, which is a very large area. It almost never happens that we are all in the same place. During the day I am in varying smaller groups, or alone, looking for food and every night I build a sleeping nest for myself in a tree.

Family Connection

A mom is often together with her children. Older brothers are also often together. When a chimpanzee is between 10 and 12 years old, he can be on his own, but the family bond remains for life.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.