Blue-yellow macaw

"Seeds, nuts and fruits. That's what I like to eat. With my strong beak, I can crack the hardest nuts!"

Discover in real life
Blue-yellow macawAra ararauna
  • Food

    seeds, nuts and fruits

  • Lifetime

    35 years on average

  • Weight

    0.9 to 1.8 kilograms

  • Number of youngsters

    2 to 3 eggs

  • Breeding time

    approximately 24 to 28 days

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?


  • 35

    years, that's how old I can get!

  • 2

    this many kilos I weigh at most

  • Nibbled eaters

    Seeds, nuts and fruits. That's what I like to eat. With my strong beak, I can crack the hardest nuts. When I look for food, I like to do it with a whole group of parrots together. We make a lot of noise in the process.

    Flying noisemakers

    Also when I see danger I make loud noises as I fly into the sky. When we fly together, we do so very close together. The tips of our wings almost touch. We talk to each other all day long and imitate each other's sounds.


    A parrot kept as a pet without another parrot will imitate the words and sounds of humans. Parrots do not understand what they are saying then but repeat the sounds they have learned.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.