Asian elephant

"How many vegetables do you eat at night? I can eat 150 pounds a day! That's 750 times your plate of vegetables."

Discover in real life
Asian elephantElephas maximus
  • Habitat

    India and, among others, in Sumatra and Borneo

  • Food

    daily 120 to 150 pounds of branches, leaves, grass, fruits and roots

  • Lifetime

    60 to 70 years

  • Weight

    approximately 4,500 kilograms

  • Number of youngsters

    1 juvenile

  • Wear time

    22 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?


  • 150

    kilograms of vegetables I eat a day!

  • 22

    months I am approximately pregnant

  • 17

    inches my tusks grow a year

  • Plates full of greens

    How many vegetables do you eat at night? I can eat 150 pounds a day! That's 750 times your plate of vegetables, I think. Whole trees break down when I eat from the branches. But that's a good thing. In the clearings that are created, grasses grow for other grazers.

    Special teeth

    My molars to grind this food are unique. Because when these wear down, they crumble and new molars slide forward from behind. In total, I can change my molars 5 times. So much more often than you! One pair of front teeth has grown very far. These are my tusks. They grow about 17 centimeters a year. In Asian elephants, only males have such large tusks, females do not.

    Elephant family

    Male elephants do not always stay in the same group. Female elephants do; they are very close with each other and always stay in the same group.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.