
"I make a soft, groaning sound, which is called 'humming,'" he said.

Discover in real life
AlpacaLama pacos
  • Food

    grass and leaves

  • Lifetime

    15 to 20 years

  • Weight

    50 to 85 pounds

  • Number of youngsters

    1 juvenile

  • Wear time

    10 to 11 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?



meters, that's how big I'm getting


years, that's how old I get on average


months, that's how long I carry a young

one youngster

I get one young at a time. This is called a "cria. This one weighs about 8 pounds at birth. A cria drinks with its mother until it is about six months old.

Beware, I spit!

Like a llama and a camel, I can spit a lot when I'm angry. So don't get into a fight with me!

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.